Monday, December 31, 2007

"and then Methodman informed me of some flatulence in the elevator. true story."

The year is up and you know what that means internet? No it's not time for me to settle up with my ho's by slapping them, though my pimp hand has seen better days. It's time for a year end blarg! Read enough of those yet? You have? Well then you should just go outside before reading on because that's what this is all about. Like Bowie, my 2007 was full of a bunch of ch-ch-ch-changes, and instead of doing a typical year end post I've decided to do a top 10 list of the best things that happened to me this year. I tend to focus on the negative aspects of life both here on this digital sprawl and in the physical, so I've decided to give you something optimistic. David would want me to do it this way.

10: I saw Andrew Bird at the Showbox way back in May, and it was the best show I have ever been to. I had seen him before at Chopsuey but this one was awesome. I do regret hitting on my date though, but I think she forgave me.

9: I had a kick ass 25th birthday, and a blog to prove it.

8: Discovering Page France as one of my all time favorite bands, gets this spot easily.

7: You might think that losing your semi-cool job in the middle of year a low point, but it wasn't. Looking back I hated that job, and it's forced me to reconsider everything. So, losing my job as a high school sports/corporate videographer was fucking great and if I could go back to the day I was "let go" I would high five my bosses, kiss their wives, and steal a few more stacks of blank CD's before I left.

6: On a similar note, I got another job soon after, and I love it. Parking cars doesn't carry the prestige that being in Grad school does, but at least I get to go to shows and get hammered off my ass when I want to.

5: My trip to Tahoe with Dantron and Steve was fantastic. I can't wait for the next time I get a half gallon of cheap whiskey dumped on me.

4: The Internet. Thank you again for being there, you're my rock. Also possibly my roll.

3: Rediscovering the fun in arts'n'crafts. More on that soon.

2: Moving out of the "Looney Bin". Could have been number one but I want to say something special there.

1: VOLTRON! You guys are the best thing that happened to me this year, and probably in awhile. Thank you for letting me in to your home, thank you for being such good friends, and putting up with my weird self. Mr. Proper, congratulations on your new job, and thank you for all the cool shit you've shown me from music to hypothetical situations. TQoG, I realize that I am an asshole a lot of the time (especially to Assy-Face) but you are in my top 3 smartest people that I know, and I love to geek out on things with you. I couldn't have picked two better people to live with, let alone be friends with. Also, Ballard still kind of rocks.

Honorable Mentions:

The Neighbors (Marge & Nick Burns): You guys are way too cool to even be alive, it's crazy that you still are.

Sonicboom Records: Please give me free CD's for this endorsement.

Your Mom: For being hot as balls.

Inga, Alec, and Henry: You are a constant source of amusement, don't ever change.

Everyone have a happy New Year, to those of you I didn't hang out with that much in 2007, remember that '08 is the year of "New Beginnings". So now we can totally hang out!

Take it away Bowie!


Erin said...

I suppose me being gone 8, or more like 10 of the last 12 months certainly warrants me not making any mention in the list. oh well. I suck. Werd to TQoG being one of the smartest people I know as well -- sorry I made fun of you and your equally smart and nice husband for going to what I'm sure is a lovely university -- I was drunk, what can I say. And Elliot, quit talking about my mom being hot, it makes me uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.